Articles on: General

Where do I make a complaint? 👎

We try our best to make sure everyone has a great time at CRISIS. We are keen to know whenever it has not lived up to the standards you would have expected so it can be better in the future.

To make a comment or a complaint, please visit the "[contact us](" section on our website and fill in the form choosing the subject "complaint" from the list of options.

Your message will then be reviewed by our team and action taken depending on what is required. We will keep you updated as to the status of your complaint throughout.

For security complaints we share information with the Rock City management and Professional Security who are the firm who are contracted to run security at the venue.

We review footage whenever possible to do so to confirm accounts. Please try to be as specific as you can be, for example: including information such as where you were, what you were wearing, the time, any people you were with that we might be able to identify.

Updated on: 03/07/2023

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